Every Plate Tells a Story: Sharing and Reflecting Upon Our Food Choices
Directions: After learning
more about culture and food, we’ll be sharing and reflecting upon our food
choices. First, take photographs of your meals (one meal per day) for 3 days and make a
presentation using Google Slides: https://www.google.com/slides/about/
For the presentation investigate
the following:
The amount of embedded water in your meals: http://waterfootprint.org/media/downloads/PDFHowtoCalculatetheWaterFootprintofanyFood.pdf
Food miles of your meals: https://www.foodmiles.com/
Additionally, you need to also
write a reflection (1-2 longer paragraphs) about what influences your food
choices (e.g., why you prefer certain foods; what is available in your
community by season, and so forth), what you learned from your research, and
whether there are any changes you may consider to lessen your ecological
footprint. Enjoy!
Email me the link to your
presentation and your reflection at aljaz.kovac@stockholm.se 7 days from this lesson!
Here is an example of one student's food diary: follow this link to see his presentation.
Here is an example of one student's food diary: follow this link to see his presentation.
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